Paolo Muratore
Paolo Muratore

Former collaborator (2019 - 2024)

Former Position: PhD student (2019-2024) and Postdoctoral Fellow (2024)
Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, UPMWMATHIS LAB @ EPFL, Genève, Switzerland
Selected articles
Unraveling the complexity of rat object vision requires a full convolutional network and beyond
Muratore P, Alemi A, Zoccolan D (2025)
Patterns: 6, 101149
Prune and distill: similar reformatting of image information along rat visual cortex and deep neural networks
Muratore P, Tafazoli S, Piasini E, Laio A, Zoccolan D (2022)
Adv. Neural Info. Processing Systems (NeurIPS): 35
Temporal stability of stimulus representation increases along rodent visual cortical hierarchies
Piasini E*, Soltuzu L*, Muratore P, Caramellino R, Vinken K, Op De Beeck H, Balasubramanian V & Zoccolan D (2021)
Nature Comm.: 12, 4448