Our new study, revealing the existence of truly integrative pattern cells in rat visual cortex, has been published in Science Advances.
Davide Zoccolan is among the seven investigators that have been awarded a grant by SFARI to establish Autism Rat Model Consortium.
Our new study (in collaboration with Eugenio Piasini and Vijay Balasubramanian from Penn) about rat perceptual sensitivity to texture statistics, has been published in eLife.
An international collaboration elucidates the mechanisms that facilitate accurate identification of moving images. The findings have been published in Nature Communications
Our new study, led by our collaborator Silvestro Micera (about using machine learning approaches to optimize optic nerve stimulation for vision restoration), has been published in Patterns.
Our new study on the causal involvement of temporal continuity in the development of V1 complex cells has been published on Science Advances.
Our new study (resulting from a collaboration with Alessandro Laio @ SISSA and Jakob Macke @ TUM) on the intrinsic dimension of data manifolds in deep networks has been published in the pre-proceedings of NeurIPS.
Davide Zoccolan has been awarded an ERC Proof of Concept Grant to design and build smart cameras for head and eye tracking.
Our new study (about shape processing in rat visual cortex) has been published in The Journal of Neuroscience.
Our new study (about the perceptual strategies deployed by rats in object recognition tasks) has been published in Current Biology.
Our new study, led by our collaborator Mathew Diamond (about supramodal integration of visual and tactile information in rats), has been published in Neuron.
Our new study (about the coding of visual objects in rat visual cortex) has been published in eLife.
Publication of the ebook titled What can simple brains teach us about how vision works?, edited by D Zoccolan, DD Cox, A Benucci and RC Reid.
Davide Zoccolan has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant to study the development of visual object representations.
Our new study (about the coding of visual objects in monkey inferotemporal cortex) has been published in PLoS Computational Biology.
Our new study (revealing the complexity of rat visual object recognition strategy) has been published in The Journal of Neuroscience.
The international team, of which Davide Zoccolan is a member, has been awarded an HFSP Program Grant to study the neuronal substrates of concept formation.